Emblem Preview


Dreissigste banner
Dreissigste emblem

How to Obtain:

(Courtesy of DEC)*

Gift two (2) subscriptions to a Destiny extension-enabled Twitch streamer. Emblem can be picked up from Amanda Holliday in the Tower.Note: You may have to gift subs in two different transactions; you should gift one at a time until the Destiny Twitch extension says you've earned the emblem.


1.31903% (39571 Redeemed)

Market Price:



Similar emblems

Dev Info:

Emblem HashCollection HashItem TypeRedeemed
37520717663399891684Legendary Emblem39571

Emblems Report is not affiliated with Bungie. Destiny, the Destiny logo, Bungie, the Bungie logo, and all affiliated marks and logos are all trademarks of Bungie.