Emblem Preview




Electromagnon banner
Electromagnon emblem

How to Obtain:

(Courtesy of DEC)*

Bungie hid seven (7) dead Ghosts somewhere during the GCX 2021 event.Note: Your cursor will change to a Ghost symbol when you have found a hidden Ghost.Dead Ghost locations:1: Turn right as soon as you spawn (in the ship hangar) and an orange Ghost will be behind a ship on the ground.2: In the outside cargo room, on top of blue and yellow boxes. You'll need to climb up the boxes via a ramp, then navigate the path.3: On the outside ring of the space station, in front of a large red/pink door.4: Behind a TV (with the GCX logo); it's to the left of a booth that has a "The Broman Podcast" logo inside.5: On a table to the left of one of the Facebook Gaming booths (between the GuardiansMH booth and the High Score hallway).6: In the RolePlay room (looks like a tavern), behind the bar, on the floor.7: On a couch on the lower level in the middle of the space station. It's underneath a big gold statue labaled "Jazzy," of a girl and a cat.The emblem should be delivered sometime after the end of the event.


0.18520% (5556 Redeemed)

Market Price:



Purchase Info:

Within 24 hours of your order, an authentic code to the Electromagnon emblem will be emailed to you. Redeem the emblem at https://bungie.net/redeem. Once redeemed, restart your game and the emblem will be in your collections -> flair -> emblems -> general.

Dev Info:

Emblem HashCollection HashItem TypeRedeemed
39366255403316003522Legendary Emblem5556

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