Emblem Preview



Spectral Flare

Spectral Flare banner
Spectral Flare emblem

How to Obtain:

(Courtesy of DEC)*

Code comes in the box when purchasing the Generalist Ghost Shell. Only appears to come included with Generalist Ghost Shells produced late 2022 and after; the outside box should have a small label for which emblem is included. Unkown if it's still on sale; stock of these tend to sell out quickly when available.


0.22047% (6614 Redeemed)

Market Price:



Similar emblems

Purchase Info:

Within 24 hours of your order, an authentic code to the Spectral Flare emblem will be emailed to you. Redeem the emblem at https://bungie.net/redeem. Once redeemed, restart your game and the emblem will be in your collections -> flair -> emblems -> general.

Dev Info:

Emblem HashCollection HashItem TypeRedeemed
39701808443282448378Legendary Emblem6614

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