Emblem Preview

The Consensus

The Consensus banner
The Consensus emblem

How to Obtain:

(Courtesy of DEC)*

Promotional emblem related to the French company Micromania. Promotion ran from 2017-11-20 to 2017-12-20. To obtain this emblem, you needed a friend who had already purchased Destiny 2 from a Micromania store who would refer you. Once your purchased a copy using their referral, the emblem code would be printed on the receipt for in-person purchases, and emailed for online purchases.


0.00310% (93 Redeemed)

Market Price:



Dev Info:

Emblem HashCollection HashItem TypeRedeemed
41321473523801407494Common Emblem93

Emblems Report is not affiliated with Bungie. Destiny, the Destiny logo, Bungie, the Bungie logo, and all affiliated marks and logos are all trademarks of Bungie.