Emblem Preview

This Obsidian Sea

This Obsidian Sea banner
This Obsidian Sea emblem

How to Obtain:

(Courtesy of DEC)*

Obtained from the June 2023 Prime Gaming Ninja Vanish Exotic Emote Bundle. Like other emblems from Prime Gaming Bundles, the emblem isn't listed in the list of rewards but it will be available to pick up from Rahool in the Tower once claimed.


18.61037% (558311 Redeemed)

Market Price:



Similar emblems

Dev Info:

Emblem HashCollection HashItem TypeRedeemed
41670111161653841958Legendary Emblem558311

Emblems Report is not affiliated with Bungie. Destiny, the Destiny logo, Bungie, the Bungie logo, and all affiliated marks and logos are all trademarks of Bungie.